2017 is off to a rip-roaring start. I’ve finished and am in
the middle of the edits for Blood Falls, which will be one of the stories in
the Tales from the Hollow book that Cecile Tellier and I are creating. Fey
Hollow is a town settled neatly on a mystical convergence, within its borders
all creatures make a home. Here you will find vampires, faeries, shape
shifters, and witches. Good and bad aren’t easily defined, and love can make
the most unusual of bedfellows.
I am learning a lot about myself as a writer in this strange
and unsettling process. I’m not a perfectionist in anything else, but I am apparently
just a bit of one when it comes to writing. I’ve been over this story twice now
and am going over it a third time. I’m trying not to change content on a whim,
but sometimes I find that I enjoy a different, better phrase now, than when I
first wrote it.