Blogging is never going to be a strong suit.

Blogging should be easy for a writer, but the truth is I’m not a fan. Nothing I say or think is profound enough to share in my opinion, and for the most part I don't imagine anyone is reading anyway.

This blog may well be updated only once a month or so. I'll try to share things that might be interesting, but the reality is, I live a boring life, and I write stories. I’m not likely to share writing advice either, because I for me most of it turns out to be useless frankly, though if I come across something useful I will be sure to share. I have an idea for this blog that might seem a tad bit strange.

I write, so this blog is going to become the sounding board for writing. There are these lovely things known as prompt tables, and I think this blog is going to become the home for my prompt table answers.

I am going to begin by finding a prompt table. Maybe start with 30 words, and go from there. The stories will be short ficlets that have nothing to do with my actual work in progress in most cases, but sometimes a character or two may make an appearance.

It's good to practice, and it's a kind of practice I enjoy. Writing is an art form, a vocation and like anything you wish to become more than simply proficient in, you must practice.

At the moment, I am beginning edits on Obsidian Kiss, so perhaps the first prompt will borrow characters from that novel. After all between the prologue and first chapter four years have elapsed, and a great many changes took place, maybe I could borrow a significant scene and introduce you to Raina and Doran.

Going to find a prompt table....
